Class Code: JS01
Scenic design - Dry brush & other spectacular tricks to enhance your scenes
Justin Shifflett
Sunday May 20, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Award winning artist Justin Shifflett walks you through the process and techniques to bring to life your creations. We will be discussing the different paints used depending what material your your creation is cast in. The basics of color theory and choosing your palette and techniques ranging from over brushing and washes to airbrushing. As Justin works on a mask to show you how to bring this all together in a finished piece. We taking questions and having open discussion through out to help you with your projects what ever they may be.
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About Justin Shifflett
Justin Shifflett has "reverse engineered" his education and career. Most recently, he graduated from the Douglas Education Center's Tom Savini Special Effects and Makeup Program, where he earned the Greg Nicotero and IDEA Scholarships. Before his "education" Justin was already an accomplished painter and sculptor. Justin has received numerous awards and has been published in WHITE DWARF and COOL MINI OR NOT magazines. As a miniature painter, Justin also has multiple Golden Demon awards to his credit. Recent sculpts have included everything from custom vampire fangs to custom paintball helmets. For more information about his work or his company, Dark Zealot Studios, please visit Facebook
or my online shop
Price: $25.00
The presales for the Halloween Show are over. However, you can still buy tickets for the event at the door! Please come to the registration booth as we are here now at the Showboat. Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday - tickets are available at the door (May 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th)